
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

The Glurch

A glurch is anyone who keeps the line from moving forward. If you're standing in line at the bank, and all of the other lines are moving while yours is motionless, you know that your line has a glurch at the teller. Yesterday, Carol (my wife) asked me to bring her a coffee from McD. When I returned, she asked, "What took so long?" I replied, my line had several glurches in it. It's a very useful concept and word.

Until a new distinction is made, and then represented with a symbol (a word in this case), does the defined "thing" exist? Ha ha. What a great koan!

Zen has several related koans that all illustrate what the mind does as it slices and dices reality into imaginable components. For example, if, as a mind game, you begin removing "parts" from an automobile, when does it cease to be an automobile? After the wheels and fenders are gone? After the engine and drivetrain are gone? After the frame and body are gone?

Ironically, after a glurch (or an automobile) is imagined, it is not so easy to get the silly thing out of one's mind. The challenge is how to stand in a line of people that doesn't move forward and NOT THINK, "D**M! My line has a glurch in it!"

The only thing worse than discovering a glurch in one's line is realizing that one is being a glurch, oneself, and preventing everyone else from moving forward. Ha ha.