You may not realize it, but Jesus did not teach morality in the usual sense. The Pharisees represented conventional morality, and it was all based on ideas. In fact, the name "Pharisees" means, "the separated ones." Jesus was always pointing to the unity that underlies separateness, and he railed against lawyers and legalistic-minded people who thought of themselves as highly moralistic. Jesus was pointing to something far deeper and more powerful than any sets of precepts. He was saying that "The Good" is more spiritual than "The Right," and The Good automatically emanates from seeing the world non-dualistically. If you'll PM me your name and address, I'll send you a book that specifically addresses these issues from a traditional, but mystical, Christian perspective. The title is "A Path to Christ-Consciousness, Non-Conceptual Awareness Practice as a Doorway to the Infinite." The book was written for a conventional Christian audience, and it explains all of the issues you've raised, but places them in the broader context of non-duality.