
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

You make plans.

Many plans come to fruition, and many do not. Probabilistically, if you make plans to go on a cruise, you'll probably go on a cruise (because that's what happens with most people), but its never a 100% done deal. You may get sick, you may die, the boat may sink the day before you're scheduled to board, or you may get involved in a car wreck and break your leg. You pay your money, and you take your chances. Better buy some life insurance (for your spouse) and trip insurance just to be on the safe side. LOL.

(As a funny aside, the only time I ever bought trip insurance for a ski trip, I suffered a serious attack of vertigo that incapacitated me for three weeks, and the trip insurance paid off. Ha ha.)

If you have a car wreck and break your leg, you can say with a smile, "Well, evidently this body/mind wasn't destined to go on that cruise after all." Then, without knowing what will happen next, you do whatever you know you have to do next, and watch the drama of life unfold.