The DREAM of THIS is a dream. If we awaken from the dream, and realize that we ARE THIS, the only real change is that all seeking ends. Life goes on much as before, but without the typical ideational overlay. Ideas appear, and are entertained, but are not attached to. Beyond this, nothing much can be said. There is no "bliss of Oneness;" there is just THIS, and THIS is beyond conception.
THIS is typing these words on a laptop in a McD's, but THIS has no idea what might happen next. THIS suspects that the body/mind typing these words will go to Krogers and buy some stuff, but THIS won't know for sure until that happens. There is no "I" separate from THIS. THIS is doing everything; THIS is watching everything; THIS doesn't know what will happen next; and THIS is utterly content in It's not-knowing. The word "bliss" in this context has no meaning at all.
THIS is typing these words on a laptop in a McD's, but THIS has no idea what might happen next. THIS suspects that the body/mind typing these words will go to Krogers and buy some stuff, but THIS won't know for sure until that happens. There is no "I" separate from THIS. THIS is doing everything; THIS is watching everything; THIS doesn't know what will happen next; and THIS is utterly content in It's not-knowing. The word "bliss" in this context has no meaning at all.