Ramana Maharshi never read anything written by ancient masters. He was a sixteen-year old soccer-playing kid who one day looked inward in order to understand what's going on. He woke up and spent the next seven years in silent contemplation and samadhi. He became a sage and master because he saw what is always here and now, and he realized that he was one-with THAT.
The ineffable cannot be understood; it can only be lived.
The truth is shining in all directions. Don't let ideas block out the light. Not-knowing is the way. Shift attention away from thoughts to THIS.
This may be hard to believe, but the truth IS obvious. All you have to do is let go of ideas and look.
The ineffable cannot be understood; it can only be lived.
The truth is shining in all directions. Don't let ideas block out the light. Not-knowing is the way. Shift attention away from thoughts to THIS.
This may be hard to believe, but the truth IS obvious. All you have to do is let go of ideas and look.