
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

The word "flow" pointing to everyday life lived without abidance in mind. It is not special except when looked at and conceived as a contrast to life dominated by mind. It is not even an experience because there is no one imagining any bounds, much less an observer of bounds. It could be called "isness," or "process," or "happening," but no words are sufficiently applicable because there is nothing separate from what is happening that could be described. It is neither dual nor non-dual. It is beyond imagining of any kind.

Growing from childhood to adulthood is a movement in a particular direction. It is a movement away from non-conceptual awareness and direct physical/sensory interaction with the world toward a mind-mediated and mind-dominated interaction. Sages reverse the direction of this movement by shifting attention back to what can be seen, heard, and sensed through the body. As they do this, mind and its shenanigans are left behind (unattended). Ideation-generated seeking eventually comes to an end, along with the imagined seeker.

All that the sage can say to those who are interested in finding the living truth is "look without knowing until looking continues without a looker."

Mamza's (a user on the forum) posts are a good example of what we might call "the standard model" of the above path. He has recognized the value of being present sans cognitive reflection, and he has noticed that his interest in attending "isness" waxes and wanes unpredictably. Periodically he finds that the body/mind intensely pursues ATA, and at other times interest in ATA evaporates. He accepts this oscillation as the nature of "what is," and doesn't resist it. He may or may not realize that his prior movement toward increasing abidance in mind has reversed, and his path is now gradually but steadily leading away from such abidance. He is not second-guessing what's happening, and (judging from what he has written) is not imagining anything particular that should be happening. The body/mind is simply going with the flow.

It is not special, but it will lead to a way of life that will contrast sharply to life dominated by mind.