
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

Most adults live in a kind of mental fog

...created by ideation and internal speech. They are almost always talking to themselves about what they imagine, and rarely look at the world in silence. The path to non-duality often begins with existential questioning (who am I? what's going on?), progresses to a point where the person realizes that s/he knows nothing of any importance, and then proceeds to the person looking at (attending) the world in silence. That's all that is necessary--(1) bearing in mind what one wants to know, and (2) attending "what is" in silence--for self-realization to occur.

If someone simply looks at "what is," persistently, without thinking, knowing, or imagining anything, the conceptualized universe will eventually disintegrate (from that person's perspective), and the living truth will become obvious. Only then does it bcome possible to clearly differentiate between what is imagined and what is not imagined.

A person who has passed through this"gateless gate" sees that the truth is unbounded and sees how imagination artificially divides that unbounded truth into the ten-thousand things. It usually requires a second realization to see how the ten-thousand things return to the One, and a third realization to see what the One returns to. The fourth and final realization is seeing through the one who sees.

In a sense these four realizations summarize the spiritual journey. A person's focus gradually shifts from an imagined past, present, and future to Now. It shifts from imagined locations in space to Here. It shifts from an imagined observer to THIS. It shifts from abidance in mind to non-abidance in mind. The world looks just as it did before starting the journey, but now it is can be seen with or without boundaries, and life is lived without a "gap." One lives "in flow."

Persistently attending "what is" inexorably leads to non-abidance in mind and self realization. It is the ultimate trip from "out there" to here and now! Enjoy the ride