...(ha ha--I had to use these words but they're funny as hell considering the subject), let me tell you that the living truth is too strange and mysterious to be believed. At any moment the body is doing a trillion intricate activities simultaneously. Body temperature regulation, blood-gas equilibrium, oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange, perspiration, digestion, thinking, muscle movements, skin cell replacement, blood circulation, ad infinitum. Billions of individual cells replicating, billions of electrical impulses, and billions of chemical exchanges, etc. happening each second. Who, or WHAT is in charge of all this activity? Who or WHAT decides to decide to do all of this? Personal volition? Personal choice? Free will? Now, that's funny. That's very funny. One glimpse of the vastness and mind retreats in abject humility murmuring prayerfully, "Forgive my arrogance; Thy will be done."