
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

I suggest that people ATA because

...most people distinguish a difference between sensory perception and thoughts, but they cannot see through their thoughts. We might say that their thoughts ABOUT the world they see with their eyes have created a surreal and imaginary meta-reality that they see with their mind's eye. Because they've never realized what's going on, they're stuck in the meta-reality of their own creation and projection. They think that they are human beings living in an objective reality. They think that time and space are real things. I suggest ATA as a way to break free from what is usually incessant thinking that continually reinforces both a sense of selfhood and a sense that there is an objective reality.

If people could think their way free, that would be great, but they can't. I therefore suggest an activity that shifts attention away from thought to what the body can see and hear. From my POV this is preferable to sitting on a meditation cushion and possibly reinforcing the idea that there is someone doing something that is increasing progress toward enlightenment.

If someone could simply sit and look at the world in silence, s/he would eventually wake up. Unfortunately, the mind is a fabulous illusion generator, and virtually no one can sit and look at the world in silence for more than a moment or two. I therefore give people something to do that takes attention away from thoughts long enough for illusions to collapse or be seen through. After the illusion of selfhood is seen through, completely, they'll understand what's going on and know what to do next.

People who appear unconscious, unclear, or confused are usually people who have not seen through the illusion of selfhood completely. When there is no gap whatsoever between seeing, thinking, and doing, then there is only the flow of whatever is happening in this moment. When there is only the flow of THIS, there is no separate entity, psychologically. There is only THIS.

Now, I'm ready for a treat, so I'm heading off to McD's to get me a small mocha frappe. Cheers!