
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

Adyashanti comment

Adyashanti is saying, in effect, "Don't get attached to anything I say (because words can't capture the truth), but Look where the words are pointing." Here is an example of how he is using words:

Sage (to a seeker): Look.
Seeker: Look at what?
Sage: Just look.
Seeker: I'm looking, but all I see is you, some trees behind you, a blue sky overhead, etc.
Sage: No, that is not what you see; that is what you THINK you see. Look without imagining anything.
Seeker: I don't understand.
Sage: This is not about intellectual understanding. It is about direct perception.
Seeker: (after a long pause) I don't get it.
Sage: There is nothing to get. Just look. Look until there is no "you" looking.

The seeker leaves and begins to regularly sit on a park bench every day for two hours while looking at what is in front of his eyes without knowing. Thoughts appear and disappear, but they are ignored. 

One afternoon a few months later he is sitting on the park bench looking when something happens. Afterwards, he rushes back to the sage.

Seeker: OMG! Today I saw!
Sage: What did you see?
Seeker: Everything is alive and unified!
Sage: You've only had a tiny glimpse. Go look some more.

In this example, the sage used words to point to something. One can either get attached to such words, and think about whether they are logical or illogical, or one can look where the words are pointing. In the same way, Adyashanti's words are pointing at something--something beyond comprehension or imagination. What is it?