
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

Anger and irritation

Anger and irritation can be a perfect manifestation of THIS with or without the illusion of selfhood. What would it mean to say that there is identification with something in the total absence of thought? What would be separate from the action that could identify with anything? The body is intelligent, and it can respond appropriately to circumstances in the total absence of thought. 

Can there be subtle non-verbal thought processes below the level of conscious awareness that influence actions? Perhaps, but I'm not sure how that would be known, or in what sense it could be known. ;D

If we consider what the end result of following a path of non-duality might be, it could be partially summarized as:

1. An end to all searching and existential questioning. 
2. No expectations.
3. Planning without attachment to the outcome of planning.
4. No thinking in terms of shoulds or oughts
5. Direct action taking precedence over reflectivity
6. Living in the body rather than in the head
7. Attention focused primarily upon "what is" rather than upon what is imagined
8. Very little, if any, self-referential thinking
9. Very little, if any, fantasization
10. No sense of their being a "separate someone" in control of anything
11. A kind of child-like innocence of the world

There is certainly more peace and equanimity, relatively speaking, than that experienced by folks lost in the concensus trance who are constantly jerked around by their unconscious thinking habits. People who imagine that reality should manifest in particular ways or who are caught up in the "rat race" will generally be much unhappier than people who do not think like that. I'm suggesting that the idea of an ideal state of being in which there is no irritation, anger, resistance, problems, or suffering is an idea that keeps the truth obsured to some degree.