Memory of the past and thoughts about the past do not in any way limit freedom. As long as there is any thought that one should remain oblivious of anything other than what is happening now, there is a lack of understanding.
Many people on this path reach a point where they think, "I must stay present." This is evidence that they have not yet escaped the idea that they are an entity separate from THIS. THIS is always present, and THIS is what we are, whether there is thinking, remembering, fantasizing, etc. As the Diamond Sutra states, "Without hindrance let the mind function freely." Any effort to remain free of memory is not freedom.
Many people on this path reach a point where they think, "I must stay present." This is evidence that they have not yet escaped the idea that they are an entity separate from THIS. THIS is always present, and THIS is what we are, whether there is thinking, remembering, fantasizing, etc. As the Diamond Sutra states, "Without hindrance let the mind function freely." Any effort to remain free of memory is not freedom.