
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

Jean Klein and the Blank Slate

I suggest that when one reaches the blank slate, it might be wise to stay there until the starer at the blank slate and the blank slate become one. This requires some patience and persistence, but sooner or later the door will open.

The illusion is that someone is staring at something, a blank slate, but the blank slate is not a blank slate; it is simply the door through which the mind cannot go. The starer and the blank slate are not two, and if the starer keeps staring, the illusion will shatter and annihilate the sense of separateness.