We refer to cosmic-consciousness experiences with the somewhat dirisive and dismissive phrase "woo woo experiences" or similar, but such experiences often come accompanied by one or more significant realizations. Yes, they often become a trap because the person, who is thought to be the experiencer of the experience, starts seeking similar experiences in the mistaken notion that such experiences will lead to a permanent cosmic consciousness state rather than a temporary one.
My own response to hearing about such experiences is to say, "Congratulations, you've been given a glimpse of something beyond the ordinary consensus trance. That's great, but you can have a hundred similar experiences and still remain stuck in the illusion that you are a person having those experiences. Keep attention focused upon "what is" without expectation, and eventually the illusion of "me" will collapse. If you have any questions, become still, and answers will appear."
There are a few rare cases where woo-woo experiences are so deep that freedom is the result, but they are few and far between.
It should also be noted that there is a wide range of different realizations that can occur as various illusions are penetrated. Selfhood is usually the last to go because it is such a deep structure of mind. A person can see through the illusion of time and space, for example, and still think that a person saw through the illusion. ;D
My own response to hearing about such experiences is to say, "Congratulations, you've been given a glimpse of something beyond the ordinary consensus trance. That's great, but you can have a hundred similar experiences and still remain stuck in the illusion that you are a person having those experiences. Keep attention focused upon "what is" without expectation, and eventually the illusion of "me" will collapse. If you have any questions, become still, and answers will appear."
There are a few rare cases where woo-woo experiences are so deep that freedom is the result, but they are few and far between.
It should also be noted that there is a wide range of different realizations that can occur as various illusions are penetrated. Selfhood is usually the last to go because it is such a deep structure of mind. A person can see through the illusion of time and space, for example, and still think that a person saw through the illusion. ;D