
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

If you want freedom will have to leave the mind and self-referentiality behind.

Today, someone quoted Niz as saying "You didn't get into this mess all of a sudden, and you can't get out of it all of a sudden." There may be a few lucky souls who get hit by a lightning bolt, but most people will need to remove attention from imagination (mind) until imagination (mind) no longer calls the shots.

If someone is wanting to improve their situation or relationships, there is a sense of selfhood at the center of that thought process that will be reinforced by whatever action or attitude is adopted. If someone wants freedom, s/he will have to walk off the battlefield completely.

Selfhood and self-oriented relationships cannot be"improved;" they can either be imagined and believed in or seen for the illusion that they are. Don't get attached to these words; simply look where they are pointing. I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with programs designed to change one's thinking; I'm saying that freedom doesn't lie in that direction.