
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

I'm not saying that it takes fifteen years to realize that the seeker does not exist.

It can happen in one instant, but no one knows HOW that happens or WHY that happens. The Buddha woke up after six years of searching. It took Rinzai and Niz three years. Ramana (although the story isn't totally clear) apparently realized the truth almost immediately after inquiring "Who is it that dies?" Each body/mind is different. Some people are intense thinkers and some people aren't. Some people interact with the world more through feelings than thoughts. I know you don't like the idea that THIS is a total mystery, but it is.

I can tell you that Adya has no idea why he woke up on a particular day after twenty years of searching, and I can assure you that he is comfortable with the mystery of that. I've met the guy, and I've heard him talk about it.

You might want THIS to be understandable, and it isn't. This is why all non-duality "teachers" emphasize the importance of intellectual humility. The first real step on this path is understanding that you know nothing of any importance. Until you can accept the monumentalness of your own ignorance, it is unlikely that you will ever learn anything of importance. The kind of learning that all non-duality teachers point to comes through not-knowing, and you seem unwilling to even entertain the idea that the intellect might be useless in helping you find what you are seeking.

Have you ever fallen deeply in love with someone? If so, do you have any idea how or why that happened? Do you realize what a mystery falling in love is? Well, realization is the same kind of mystery.