It is equivalent to seeing like the lens of a camera (without distinction). Most people do NOT see like the lens of a camera; their minds are busy with conceptualization, labeling, and interpretation. Existential understanding arises automatically as illusions collapse. Usually the last illusion to go is selfhood.
When people read about non-duality, they often imagine that sages are seeing a different world than the one before their eyes. For the sage, ideation of "see-er" and "seen," or "self" and "other," does not arise because the mind is quiescent. There is no idea of "getting to a better place," "improving the quality of one's experience," "becoming more spiritual," or anything similar. The sage is content to be what she is--THIS.
When people read about non-duality, they often imagine that sages are seeing a different world than the one before their eyes. For the sage, ideation of "see-er" and "seen," or "self" and "other," does not arise because the mind is quiescent. There is no idea of "getting to a better place," "improving the quality of one's experience," "becoming more spiritual," or anything similar. The sage is content to be what she is--THIS.