
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

No preparation is necessary for direct seeing.

It is equivalent to seeing like the lens of a camera (without distinction). Most people do NOT see like the lens of a camera; their minds are busy with conceptualization, labeling, and interpretation. Existential understanding arises automatically as illusions collapse. Usually the last illusion to go is selfhood.

When people read about non-duality, they often imagine that sages are seeing a different world than the one before their eyes. For the sage, ideation of "see-er" and "seen," or "self" and "other," does not arise because the mind is quiescent. There is no idea of "getting to a better place," "improving the quality of one's experience," "becoming more spiritual," or anything similar. The sage is content to be what she is--THIS.