
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

The questions that started me searching for the truth

...seemed very simple and straightforward. Here are just a few of the hundreds that bugged me:

1. What is the meaning of life?
2. Why am I here?
3. How did life appear in a lifeless universe?
4. What is a subatomic particle, really?
5. How could anything act like a particle one moment and a wave the next?
6. How could anything move from point A to point B without crossing the space between? (something claimed in a physics textbook)
7. What could explain the observer paradoxes in every field of science? (how does the mere act of observation physically affect what is observed?)
8. If I could shrink myself to the size of a photon and look at a photon, what would I see?
9. What is time, space, energy, matter, electricity, or gravity?
10. Is there a smallest particle of matter, and what would be the determinant of that?
11. Where did I come from and where am I going?
12. Is there a God?
13. What, if anything, could explain any of the miracles in the Bible, or are all miracle stories nonsense?

I spent almost twenty years thinking about these kinds of questions without finding any answers. After five months of meditation and some internal mental relaxation, answers to a few of these questions suddenly appeared. This suggested to me that all of the other answers I wanted to find could probably be found by silently contemplating what I wanted to know rather than by thinking. Sure enough, as the mind became increasingly silent, more and more answers appeared.

In the process of entering the spiritual circus tent various new questions appeared, but they, too, were subsequently answered (or collapsed as misconceived) through silence and contemplation.

I do not know what specific questions dominate your interest, but I assume that you have several. The answers to all of your existential questions lie within you, but you can't access the answers (or see through the misconceptions) by thinking and applying logical analysis. Existential issues simply can't be resolved by thinking. They are resolved by becoming still and contemplating what you want to know. You would probably have a lot more success silently walking around in a garden (like Sir Isaac Newton) and silently contemplating whatever is bugging you than by wasting time on this forum arguing with people about ideas, beliefs, definitions, qualia, explanations, and interpretations. If you seriously want to find answers, become silent, and get in touch with Source. The intellect is trivial compared to the Intelligence that is animating THIS.