
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

A person reaches a point where understanding has gone as far as it can go.

It is intellectually 100% obvious that separateness is an illusion, and yet......some obstruction remains. The thought structure, or mind bifurcation, between self and other stubbornly continues. Until that thought structure collapses completely, there continues to be some vague discomfort or internal psychological stricture, as if one were swimming through an ocean of watery glue (the super viscous glue of the past having long since lost its viscosity).

Figuratively speaking, one more step is necessary, and then "poof!" the search is over because the imaginary nature of the searcher is finally seen through so completely that laughter automatically ensues. The thin psychological glue vanishes, and then the body/mind functions freely in a full relaxation of being.

The body/mind at this point is filled with wonder and says something like, "Wow! There is only THIS, and the one who thought s/he was the witness of THIS, or the searcher of THIS, never existed. How funny!"

Afterwards, the body/mind lives an ordinary everyday life doing whatever has to be done--going to work, talking with family and friends, mowing the grass, or posting on internet forums. LOL

An old Zen Master lay dying when suddenly a squirrel jumped off of an overhead treelimb onto the zendo's roof and ran across the roof tiles. Hearing the tiny feet scuttling across the roof, the ZM's last words to his disciples gathered around his bed was, "It is only THIS." He then reportedly gave a smile and died.