
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

Understanding but not realization

There may be an intellectual understanding of the falseness of "I," but there is not yet realization of the falseness of "I.  Your "I" is alive and well, and isn't happy with what's happening or its current state of being. Forget ATA; just feel whatever feelings are present and contemplate who is feeling them (same advice as EM). Contemplate who it is that wants things to be different than they are. Who is dissatisfied? During the day, as the body goes through its motions, question who or what is animating the body? You already understand, intellectually, that there is no separate person doing anything, so what is the source of what's happening? Watch the body.

To keep free of fantasies and speculation frequently ask yourself, "What must the body be doing this precise moment?" Not five minutes from now, but this instant? If the physical answer isn't crystal clear, then silently watch the body until there is no doubt. The body knows exactly what to do, and it will act, so watch. If there is rapt attention, breathing will become light and shallow, almost like the breath is being held, almost as if the body/mind is in a state of suspended animation waiting for something unknown. Watch, feel, and contemplate. Ignore thoughts; they aren't going to help at all. Stay in unknowingness and questioning. Let the contemplation go deep. Let it be 24/7.