
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

For this body/mind

...there are virtually no thoughts about any of the stuff we write about on this website except when the body/mind checks the website and becomes interested in thinking or writing about something that is being discussed. Even then, the thinking occurs without any sense of their being a thinker, so the thinking can only be described as "empty."

During an ordinary day there are simply no thoughts about thoughts and no reflections about differences, similarities, causation, oneness, existence, time, space, selfhood, or much else. There is only a matter-of-fact flow of whatever-is-happening here and now--driving to get a cup of coffee, giving subcontractors instructions about work, checking on the progress of a project, designing something, writing checks, sorting paperwork, looking up information on the internet, hiking in the woods, reading, writing, making phone calls, etc. There is no effort to do anything because all activity is equally empty and happens by itself, spontaneously. This could probably best be described as "being in the moment without there being anyone in the moment." It is sorta like (to the tune of "row your boat") "flowing, flowing, flowing along, meanderingly on the way; emptily, emptily, emptily, emptily, life is such a play."

Sometimes during the day, as a result of something someone has posted on the forum, the body/mind will stop what it's doing, become still, and look around in total silence. There is seeing without anything being seen as separate and without any separateness being seen. In this seeing there is no see-er nor any thing seen. The eyes are like the lens of a camera and take in a field of view that is unnamed, unimagined, and undivided. We can say that what is seen is "what is," but "what is" is not what it is. It is impossible to say what "what is" is. We can only BE that isness being what it is.