
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

If it's time to make plans for something, then make plans 100%.

That reminds me of a funny story about Zen Master Seung Sahn. He once told some of his students, "Just do one thing at a time 100%." One day a student found him eating breakfast and reading the newspaper at the same time and questioned him about it. ZMSS said, "Ya, one thing at a time is best, but if it's time to do two things at one time, then do them both 100%!"

He was a very funny guy. After he started traveling all over the world, he had an American monk who travelled with him as his assistant. The American said that one morning they got on a plane, and after the plane took off, ZMSS got very agitated and started shouting for everyone on the plane to direct their attention to the penispit in order to keep the plane from crashing.

This was several years before 9/11, but the stewardesses, thinking they had a total psycho on board, told the pilot they had a problem and rushed back to find out what the matter was and try to get control of the crazy guy. ZMSS's assistant acted like there was a communication problem because ZMSS was Korean, but he, like the stewardesses, was frantically trying to get ZMSS to shut up and be quiet. After the stewardesses got SS calmed down and realized that he was not a terrorist, they left him with the warning not to shout anymore on the plane or they'd have him arrested.

After the stewardesses left, the assistant asked ZMSS what his concern was. SS said, "Pilot have fight with wife this morning. His mind not on flying plane. He about to make big mistake and crash plane, so it much important to send psychic force into penispit and wake up pilot!"

Later, the monk told some of ZMSS's other followers that he had no idea what the truth was, but as soon as SS felt that the pilot had got the message, he laid back in his seat, totally relaxed, and instantly fell asleep.

Just another story from the Twilight Zone.