
Important note: All the posts on this blog were written by Bob Harwood (AKA 'zendancer') on the forum I have merely reposted a collection of them in blog format for the convenience of seekers. Some very small mods were made on occasion to make posts readable outside of the forum setting they were made in.

Getting "it"

"You" will never have 'it' (enlightenment) because who you THINK you are is a thought, only. Who you REALLY are is beyond imagining. So, think about this if you insist upon thinking: When the body/mind is totally immersed in an activity, where are "you?" "You" aren't there. "You" appear and disappear throughout the day only because of the reflective activity of thought. 

Conditioning and incessant thoughts make it appear as if there is an entity, a person, something solid and separate that continues through time. It is an illusion, and it can be penetrated. Who you REALLY are can discover what's going on.

The problem for most people is that there are no gaps between thoughts, so it is difficult to see what's going on. Most people THINK that they exist as separate entities because their thinking never slows down! 

What would happen if the body/mind simply focused upon sensory perception and ignored thoughts for a while? What would happen if the self-referential thought reinforcement mechanism took a break? What would happen if the body/mind washed dishes with full attention and didn't "check back" on the action self referentially? This is the path of not-knowing, and it leads to the collapse of all thought-generated illusions.

Don't take anybody else's word for this. If you want to find out for yourself what's going on, suspend ideation for a while, and find out what happens. Perform an experiment with the sack of flesh you see dangling below you. Do whatever needs to be done with full attention, and then do the next thing that needs to be done. Watch the body because it always knows what to do. No thinking is required to know when to go to the bathroom. No thinking is required to know when the body is hungry. No thinking is required to think a thought. Simply watch what is happening without jumping to any conclusions.

Is it possible to find what YOU are looking for? Yes, but "you" won't be the one to find it. "You" will have to disappear in order for the truth to become obvious. Can this happen? Yes, but don't take anyone's word for it. Go look!